Wednesday 4 January 2012

A New Year!

Happy New Year!

Every year we make a bunch of resolutions that we are never going to follow up with. Its always the same thing, 'I'm going to loose x amount of weight', 'stop smoking' etc. Each year we are lucky if we reach the second week in January. So this year I'm setting myself some more resolutions, but with a bit of a difference.

So here are my resolutions for 2012:

- Stop letting other people influence my decisions.

- Do more charity work. (More on this next week.)

- Spend more time with my friends/actually have a social life.

- Start driving lessons. (I've had my provisional licence for 6 months now!)

Hope everyone has had a good Christmas and new year.

Lisa Marie



  1. These are excellent resolutions that seem to benefit both you and your community. Keep it up, I'm sure you will master all of them. I found you on 20SB, and decided I'm going to be your newest follower. I can't wait to read more from you and see how these resolutions unfold! :)

    - Tina

  2. Your charity work resolution is very cool, I think I need to do more oif that as well! Hope that you have kept up with your resolutions! :)
    I also found your blog from 20sb from the I love cakes group :) plus I think your one of the few bloggers I have found from the UK :p
