Monday 2 August 2010

A Family Holiday!

I have just spent the last week in Wales. With no internet connection and no mobile phone signal. I must admit that the first day was the worse. Especially considering it was rainy. But after the first day I decided to embrace the fact that I was cut-off from everywhere.

This was my first family holiday in about nine years. Just me, mum, dad and my youngest brother. Now then considering it was raining when we arrived at close to half past six in the evening, I did think to myself is the kind of weather I'm to expect for the next seven days.

All that changed however the next day. We walked from our beach (Oxwich Bay) and walked up hills and through forests to see this lovely view. While the weather didn't look so hot let me tell you it was!

On Thursday we went to 'The Mumbles' which was a pretty boring morning but still a change of scenery was nice. Me and my day also saw this gorgeous star fish.

 Friday morning me and my mum had a look round Oxwich castle.

 It wasn't a very big place but it was full of history. Both of the local area and Wales itself. Definitely worth the £2.50 to have a little look around.

Looking forward to next years family holiday now :).

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  1. thanks for putting my blog on yours...visit the blog when u r free and drop comments as per ur wish and even u dont like ...drop comments..
